Goalkeeper Challenge

Prepare yourself for an exhilarating and immersive adventure in the realm of HTML5 soccer games with Goalkeeper Challenge. This game is not just another addition to the extensive list of football games available; it stands out as a remarkable and unique experience that will truly test your reflexes. If you're a fan of captivating ball games, get ready for an extraordinary treat.

How to Play

What sets Goalkeeper Challenge apart is its unwavering focus on a specific aspect often overlooked in other soccer games: the art of goalkeeping. In this game, your ultimate goal is to master the precise timing and angles required to make crucial dives and keep those shots out. Your task is to save as many shots on goal as possible and establish yourself as an impenetrable wall between the posts.


  • Jump in at the right time and angle to block shots
  • Make your mark like an insurmountable wall
  • Each level has increasing difficulty
  • Beautiful free kicks


Use WASD or arrow keys to move

Lunar R.

Author: Lunar R.

Join Frienzygame: 2022


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